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School Board Recognition Month

Each January, we honor board members for their work, leadership, and commitment to improving public schools.

Mosaic illustration of a school building. Text: Locally Elected, Community Connected. School Board Recognition Month 2024.

Each January, we honor the dedicated individuals who tirelessly serve their communities as volunteers — school board members. School boards oversee the operation of local public schools and work to ensure that students are getting a high-quality education. School Board Recognition Month is an opportunity to show trustees how much we appreciate their work, leadership, and commitment to improving our schools.  

The 2024 School Board Recognition theme is: Locally Elected, Community Connected.

In Texas, school board members are elected by community members who trust them to do what's best for students. This connection ensures that board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of their communities, and dedicated to a brighter future. 

Planning Kit 

Each year, TASB prepares a School Board Recognition Month planning kit to help districts recognize their local trustees. The kit is full of ideas for honoring board members and letting the community know about their many contributions. 

Our online planning kit includes: 

  • Sample materials, like a news release and proclamation 
  • Artwork to post on social media, district websites, and in printed materials 
  • Customizable certificates for trustees 
  • And more! 
Access Planning Kit