Employment Relationships: Independent Contractors, Contract Entitlement, Benefit Eligibility and More

Educational employers need to ensure employees are classified correctly and provided access to benefits according to their classification. State and federal rules can make determining employment status and benefit entitlement complicated. Improper classification can carry hefty fines and penalties for school districts. Presenters will explain the various employment categories and how to classify employees correctly.
Topics covered:
- Understanding employment status — full- and part-time employees, independent contractor, temporary employee, and substitute
- Defining the terms of employment and contract entitlement
- Understanding benefit and leave entitlement
- Determining exemption status under the Fair Labor Standards Act
- Handling special cases, including employment of retirees and student workers
Schedule Now
Schedule this training now by contacting HR Services staff Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by calling 800-580-7782 or emailing hrservices@tasb.org.
Continuing Professional Education Credits
HR Services is an approved provider for continuing professional education (CPE) units for State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) and is an approved organization for sponsorship of continuing education credit (CEC) for the Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO).
HR Services
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