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Steps to Take after Conducting Employee Surveys

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Many districts conduct employee surveys to understand more about what staff members think and feel, but not all have an appropriate strategy for how to proceed after a survey is complete.

When conducting an employee survey, it’s important to develop and implement a follow-up communication plan after the district can review results. It’s common among survey respondents to feel like feedback goes unacknowledged and completion of the survey is not worth their effort or time. Proactive district communication after a survey can prevent these perceptions.

Employees often appreciate gratitude for their efforts and transparency with survey results. Districts can begin communicating with staff shortly after the survey is finished—even before an action plan is designed. Sharing results of the survey with staff and communicating specific actions (when available) can improve staff perception of the process and encourage increased participation in future surveys.

Following is a list of possible items to communicate to all staff:

  • Acknowledgement and appreciation for staff that participated in the survey
  • Reiteration of the importance and confidentiality of staff feedback
  • Areas for improvement identified from results
  • Areas of success identified from results
  • Most improved categories over the years the survey has been conducted
  • Outline and estimated timeline of actions from the district, in response to results
  • Clarity on whether staff can expect to receive additional updates regarding the survey
  • Contact information for the person in the district that staff can reach out to with questions

Being as transparent as possible with this process can enhance responses and increase participation in future employee surveys. Failure to communicate with staff after soliciting feedback can have negative consequences for future survey results, employee culture, and perception of district leadership.

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