How to Update District Information with TASB
Make sure your district information is up to date with TASB. Find out how.
If you need to add, edit, or remove contact information with TASB, this resource will help you out. Is your district's information, including board members and staff, up to date in TASB's system? If maintaining these records is your responsibility, you can use the Member Profile section of your TASB account to get it done quickly.
Who Can Edit District Information?
All superintendents, and most superintendent’s secretaries and admins, already have access to TASB to edit information in the Member Profile section.
Superintendents can request TASB access for business managers, assistant superintendents, and other roles who can then update Member Profile information.
To request TASB access, download and complete the TASB Account Authorization Form. Email the completed form to
Request Additional Staff AccessWhat Will You Be Able To Edit, Update, and Add?
- District information
- School board information, including board officer designations
- Administrative staff, including all district staff who may do business with TASB
- Delegate Assembly registration (only available during annual convention)
Keep in mind, you cannot edit the name and email on other’s profiles. The only people who can edit are the member themselves or TASB-approved staff. You can submit a change request to
New District Contacts
- When you choose to add board members or administrative staff, you can create a new member or select from existing contacts tied to your district.
- Creating a new individual (board member or staff) adds them to the database, but they are NOT automatically granted a TASB account.
- When a staff member leaves the district, the new employee replacing them will inherit the same level of access if indicated on the TASB Account Authorization form.
To request TASB access, download and complete the TASB application form (pdf). Email the completed form to
Download FormWhere Do You Find the Member Profile Application?
Once you have been authorized to make changes for your district, have TASB access, and your login, you can log in and find Member Profile in the Leadership section of your dashboard.

Member profile link on the dashboard
If you have additional questions, email or call 800-580-8272, ext. 1074 for board members and ext. 2928 for all others.