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Introducing TEA's Texas Equity Toolkit

illustration of blue file folder, envelope, forms, and photos

The Texas Equity Plan Toolkit supports districts in the process of developing a district equity plan.

Equity plans are required among districts in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Texas Education Agency (TEA) annually reports on the state’s equity gaps as they try to identify which low-income students and students of color are in classrooms with inexperienced, out-of-field, or ineffective teachers.

Developed by TEA, the toolkit includes a roadmap reporting template, a project management template, submission guidelines, and train-the-trainer materials.

In addition, the toolkit provides downloadable step-by-step directions for completion of each section of the equity plan template:

  • Step 1: Engaging and Communicating with Stakeholders
  • Step 2: Reviewing and Analyzing Data
  • Step 3: Conducting Root Cause Analysis
  • Step 4: Selecting Strategies
  • Step 5: Planning for Implementation

The Texas Equity Plan Toolkit can be accessed at Districts must submit their plans to TEA by November 1, 2017.                    

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