Board Resolution vs. Regular Board Action
We’ve referenced board resolutions during the pandemic far more than usual, and all this talk about resolutions has led some district staff to think many actions now require a resolution.
TASB has provided several sample resolutions that many districts have used over the past year. In short, resolutions are required when specified in statute (e.g., adoption of tax rate) or when a district seeks to temporarily change policy in some way (e.g., pay during emergency closure, granting superintendent authority to file waivers on behalf of the district, adding COVID-19-related leave only for the remainder of the 2020–2021 school year).
A regular board vote usually is sufficient for all other items the board wishes to take action on. For items like adopting a local designation system under the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA), submitting a waiver for the teacher survey component of TIA, or approving a revision to the compensation plan, the board simply can vote to approve as a regular agenda item. The board minutes would provide an official record of the district action.
As always, districts should consult local counsel or TASB Legal for expert guidance. TASB Legal can be reached at 800.580.5345.

Amy Campbell
Amy Campbell joined HR Services in 2012. She has more than 20 years of experience in human resources, including 19 years as an HR consultant for school districts and other public sector organizations.
Campbell has a bachelor’s degree from Florida State University. She is a Society for Human Resource Management certified professional (SHRM-CP) and has received the professional human capital leader in education certification (pHCLE).
HR Services

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