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Ask HR Services: Service Records

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To disseminate answers to frequently asked questions as widely as possible, TASB HR Services is beginning an Ask HR Services series.

While most of our phone calls and email come from HR staff and administrators, we are often contacted by teachers and other school employees, as well. In this edition of Ask HR Services, we’ll address the service record questions we’ve received most this summer.

How do I get my service record, how quickly can I get it, and what do I do if they don’t respond?

Employees requesting a service record should direct their request to the human resources department of the last school district or charter school at which they were employed. Districts are required to provide the record no later than the 30th day after the request is made or the 30th day after the date of the last day of the individual’s employment, whichever is later.

If the requester does not receive a response, they should email the head of the district’s human resources department and cite Texas Education Code (TEC) §21.4031(2). If the service record is still not provided, contact the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

Employees who worked at a charter school that is now closed (not taken over by another charter or school district), should contact the Region 13 Educational Service Center to submit a Charter School Records Request.

For more information on service records, see the following resources:

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Sarah James
Sarah James
Senior Communications Specialist

Sarah James joined HR Services in 2019. Prior to that, she worked at a Central Texas school district for 11 years. She is responsible for managing web content, HR Services articles, HRX newsletter, social media accounts, and marketing efforts.

James has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Concordia University Texas in Austin.

Email Sarah if you have a story idea for the HRX.

HR Services

TASB HR Services supports HR leadership in Texas schools through membership offerings in specialized training, consulting, and other services.
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