Mentor Program Allotment Cycle 4
The window for districts to submit applications for the Mentor Program Allotment (MPA) Cycle 4 is open now through November 15, 2024.
The MPA is an optional program offering funding to help districts develop or maintain robust mentoring programs for new teachers. By participating, districts agree to meet specific requirements for mentors, district leaders, and campus leaders to support new teachers, aiming to improve teacher retention and effectiveness.
Recent communication from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) details the MPA application timeline, including application window, how to submit questions, details of an upcoming application information session, and the expected date for posting FAQ responses on the MPA website.
For more information on the topic, you can visit the Mentor Program Allotment page on the TEA website.

Shannon Burns
Shannon Burns joined HR Services in 2023 as an HR consultant. She has 22 years of experience in public school districts serving as an executive director of human resources, special programs coordinator, campus administrator, and teacher.
Burns earned her master’s degree from Texas A&M in Kingsville and her superintendent certificate from The University of Texas at Tyler.
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